Saturday, January 3, 2009


As 2008 was coming to end, I found myself being bombarded with ads in the paper from various colleges and universities offering continuing education and part time studies aimed at people in the work force who have already earned a post secondary degree of some sort.

So I've done two things:

1 - I've applied for my Masters at UofT in computer science. This is a high demand program, and I don't get their decision of acceptance until March 31, 2009. IF I get accepted (and this is a very big IF), then I start in September 2009.

2 - In the mean time, I'll be taking a part-time course at Centennial College teaching web programming in VB.NET. (For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, VB stands for Visual Basic, and VB.NET is one of the many programming languages used in developing web applications.) I was pleasantly surprised that Centennial offers several computer programming courses teaching curriculum that I never was exposed to at UofT. Classes are every Monday night from 7-10pm beginning January 12 and ending April 13.


Star Trek movie coming out this May!!! Can't wait.